An old, but useful cattle fence in Corn Hill
I've visited lots of great places this summer and been on many great hikes but nothing beats an evening walk through the rolling farmlands of Corn Hill.
Growing up in Corn Hill, I at times thought that its open landscape would wear out my attention span. Yet in my adulthood I appreciate it more than ever. All my travels have only given me more perspective from which to say; Corn Hill is unique and wonderful. It's a geological anomaly in our region. Fertile hills boil up from the flat lands, breaking the 40 km long valley that stretches between Sussex and Petitcodiac. Whether you look East or West, tall ridges lumber into the distance framing Corn Hill's renowned sunrises and sunsets.
Since its establishment as a farming community almost 200 years, its roots are still firmly planted in agriculture. A mix of pasture, hay field, and grain crops cover much of its slopes. Woods are nestled in here and there and small creeks trickle through alder thickets.
Tonight I decided to head out into the west and enjoy the last warmth of sun. I followed tree-lines and fences, skirting corn fields and cow pastures. The lay of the land never ceases to amaze me. Around 10,000 years ago the receding glaciers shapedthis place into a rumpled tablecloth. Since then human settlements has provided the fabric's pattern so that now fields and woods blend together over beautifully rounded ripples. And at each hillcrest, the perspectives change thanks to the openness of this landscape.
In my 5 km walk around Corn Hill I came across beef cows casually grazing grass, big old apple trees loaded with fruit (I filled my pockets), and a sheep dog protecting its flock. From the top of the community, near the Country View Road, I sat on a big round haybale while the sun sent out its last hurray over the Giant's Step on Mount Pisgah.
This may be farming country but its also walking country.
Hopefully someday I can share a walk with you through Corn Hill.
The valley in the foreground was shaped by water rushing under glaciers a few thousand years ago.
Jackpot! I came across a tree loaded with big juicy apples.
Corn rows frame the Giant's Step on Mount Pisgah
Who doesn't love a good sunset? graham waugh local motion corn hill walking new brunswick sussex petitcodiac walking